понедельник, 11 января 2016 г.

10 surprising things that financially successful people do differently.

Financially successful people in our society, often have a bad reputation, especially among the poor. We think that being financially successful means to live beyond extravagant life by those who are poor. This has some truth, but the most financially successful people, success - is only part of the story.

We do not see what is behind all this - this desire, hard work, mistakes, frugality and, of course, good old mind, which is part of the lifestyle of a rich man. Indeed, reporters from the media did not go after them with cameras, when they lived in hostels, they worked in the dining room before they become rich and financially successful.

In the book "The Science of Getting Rich" Wattles says on this score: "The rich are getting talented people and doodles, brilliant intellectuals and stupid, physically strong and weak, and sick people. Some of the ability to think and understand is, of course, necessary, but, as we talk about natural ability, anyone clever enough to read and understand these words can certainly get rich. "

Here are 10 surprising things that financially successful people do differently:

1. They surround yourself with positive people and do not waste time those who bring into their lives the negative
They spend their time with people who charge them motivated. After all, we all know that a person makes his entourage. So surround yourself with interesting, intelligent, positive people. It is surprising that 67% of wealthy people watch TV only one hour or less than an hour every day, and only 6% are watching a reality show. There is much to ponder.

2. They sacrifice
Financially successful people would be willing to reduce the income supported drive cheap cars and reduce the size of their property when just starting out. They take the money they save and invest or reinvest them into something that will ultimately make them anymore. Sometimes wealthy people prefer to live frugally life. Warren Buffett goes on the car, as long as it does not become junk, and its employees are not forced to buy a new one.

3. They do not spend time on the complaints
If it sometimes happens something bad, they change direction, get from this lesson or are looking for a way to use it as their advantage.

4. First of all they pay their debts and save money
They know that "When someone linked debt, it has no choice but to stay on the hated job in the city or at home against their will."

5. They do not blame their woes government or economic situation
Instead, they take full responsibility for themselves and their actions and believe that they can influence their future and change it. As Jim Rohn - it took him six years to earn his first million.

6. They are focused on long-term financial goals
Instead, in order to make money and spend it, they take the time to create a financial plan that will allow them to achieve long-term goals, and then they stick to those plans.

7. They do not assume that they already know everything
86% of wealthy people like to read and believe that it is necessary to study all my life. 88% of them read an educational or close to the material of at least 30 minutes or more every day. 63% listen to audiobooks on my way to work or home.

8. They offer services or create things that have value
They do not just resell what others have produced.

9. They do more than simply appear in the office, doing your job and going home
Even if they are employees - they are looking for ways that allow them to climb high on the career ladder and do what is their area of ​​duty. Statistics show that 44% of financially successful people wake up three hours before their work begins.

10. They are in awe of the process of creating something that brings money
We can not say that they only care about what brings money, but the money for them are not the main priority. Financially successful people enjoy the fact that their clients and customers happy. So they do not need all the modern devices and similar toys, because they are happy with what they are doing.

In general, none of us can influence the government, the economy, our friends and relatives who have sown in the negative, but we can control how we think. If we can take the thinking financially successful people, sooner or later we will be successful in reality, and at the same time, we will feel financially successful even if we have limited resources. As a result, we do not lose just by changing your thinking. Good luck!

What if it became boring to live?

You - a man bored? Are you bored at his usual work, bored at home, even at a party with friends you're bored. Every day is the zhe.I have no strength and desire to change something. Bored so often just want to howl. Boring because all familiar, all have long become boring. New life is becoming less and less surprised you less and less. Even entertainment is no longer bring former pleasure, surprise discoverer. It must be something to do with it.

Experiment. Get out a cookbook and make some original, experimental dish. Instead of the usual home dinner, make it a festive laying the table, delicious dishes, candles, wine ...

Experiment in sex: scented candles, aromatherapy oils, massage, unexpected places, erotic lingerie and wild imagination.

Me. Change your style of dress, hairstyle, hair color. Dress as you want, rather than what is dictated by fashion.

Discharged to the outside feeling squeezed. Otpuskai, for example, one hour. At this hour, do whatever you want, do not hold back anything: shout, jump, run, sing, be angry ...

Learn to be guided by intuition. Think for yourself meditation: Find the position of the body in which you're comfortable, take it and just relax - you do not have. Watch your thoughts, they are carried in your head, but you're an observer. Or, put the disc with natural sounds, listen to them and merge with nature.

Learn to be yourself. Try less to play roles that society imposes on you. Learn to identify other people's values ​​and imposed stereotypes. Drop them and enjoy themselves, their unique beauty, because you - the only one ever no one can you repeat. Do not try to be like someone, that you kill yourself.

Feel. Feel themselves under different circumstances, in different places, in different situations ... Try to feel and sense the world around. Simultaneously. Himself - as part of the world, and the world - as a part of yourself.

Love yourself. Everyone at the one and only. Himself must love, to love as it is not currently devising various shortcomings.

Lives that day as the last. Think of what our life is very fleeting, maybe this will be your last day on Earth. I went to stay with relatives in another city. And I saw the accident on the highway. Three cars crashed. Apparently, the two have met head-on. In this accident killed the girl. I on this occasion there was only one thought: "Hurry to live!". What does it mean? Yes, look around. All live like rough, half-heartedly ... As we all think? "Well, let him now bad, interesting ... maybe through ... it will be good?" Or this: "Now I shall live for ... family, friends, work ... (underline), and then for myself, someday ..." And what happens? If a person, for example, die tomorrow, so never really lived life ... I procrastinate ... He lived not for himself. And this "later" may not be. Hurry to enjoy life ...

Hurry to create, to express themselves. Hurry to work creatively to himself liked. Try to do what you like.

A Walk to Remember. Love just for love truly, to love unconditionally ...

Hurry to rejoice. Even the smallest victories. And even the losers, because they - the lessons that will help you in other such situations have to win. Let go of all your past experiences. After going through them in memory, experiencing them, you're missing the present moment of his life. We are born happy. We are born to be happy. This is our destiny. So why do we forget about it? Why unhappy, gloomy faces - this is normal, and happy, happy to look like crazy?

Hurry surprised. Marvel at our beautiful world, our beautiful nature. Just stop. Stop thinking. Look around. Smile.

Surprised at how beautiful the world is and how surprisingly well live in this world.

Do it to the maximum from the list. Or do one thing, but now, today. Live this day totally, completely and nicely.

четверг, 7 января 2016 г.

Media: Scientists have found water on distant exoplanets

It is reported that a team of astronomers has identified signs of water on the exoplanet HAT-P-26b. Speculation of researchers, however, only be confirmed or disproved.
On the discovery reported by astronomers working under the guidance of Calvin B. Stevenson (Kevin B. Stevenson). According to researchers, the atmosphere neptunopodobnoy planet HAT-P-26b, which is located in the constellation Virgo, has traces of water vapor, and this may indicate the presence of water there. The conclusions were based on the tool data Low Dispersion Survey Spectrograph 3C (LDSS-3C), located in Chile's Las Campanas Observatory, and in addition, the researchers used data from the Spitzer Space Telescope.
In addition to traces of water in the planet's atmosphere, researchers found a reduced concentration of potassium and also answered questions related to the thesis of the absence / presence of clouds. Scientists have also speculated that the planet's atmosphere has a metallicity near the sun. Research HAT-P-26b will continue as scientists want to know more, including about water.
The very exoplanet was discovered using the so-called transit method, which is a method for detecting extrasolar planets, based on observation of their passage on the background of stars. When the planet is in front of the star, the luminosity of the latter falls. This allows you to define the size of the planet, and in the future this option, as the density. In general, the detection of distant planets associated with a number of difficulties, in particular because of the low luminosity of celestial bodies on the background of the parent stars.
The planet HAT-P-26b is located at a distance from us 437 St. years. The mass of a celestial body can be compared to the mass of Neptune. As is the case with the already mentioned planet, a gas giant in front of us. Approximately half of the weight falls on its core, and the other half is related to the hydrogen-helium atmosphere. One revolution around its star every 4.23 exoplanet makes the day. The star HAT-P-26 is a dwarf orange having a mass and a radius which is equal to 81% and 78% solar respectively. The surface temperature of 5079 K it This star also stands out for its "win over" age, which, according to scientists, is 9 billion years.
Recall recently, another group of researchers announced the discovery of one of the most bizarre planetary systems. This is an enormous planet that is "dancing" with two parent stars. The system found a sun-like star, a dwarf star and a giant planet, clenched between them. Scientists, among other things, they want to get the answer to the question of how all could appear so strange system.
Men's library of 10 books on self-development

1. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Stephen Covey.
Perhaps this book may be called the foundation of a successful and happy life. This book is a former president of America - Clinton - calls handbook for every successful man. This is an incredible concentrate of knowledge, experience and wisdom, who wrote a great man.

2. Think and Grow Rich. Napoleon Hill.
This book is the result of a 20-year study of successful people such as Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Andrew Carnegie, and many others. Please note that the book is not "work diligently and Grow Rich" and "Think and Grow Rich!"

3. How to Win Friends and Influence People. Dale Carnegie.
This book will give you an understanding of the principles of true dialogue with people - a classic of the genre.

4. Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Robert Kiyosaki.
From this book you will learn a lot about money, it literally will change your perception of them. It is the attitude of the rich and the poor in money matters.

5. CASHFLOW Quadrant. Robert Kiyosaki.
This is a continuation of the bestseller "Rich Dad, Poor Dad," a deep and serious reflection, reading required!

6. The path to greatness. 101 lesson on how to succeed in work and more success in life. Robin Sharma.
This incredible 101 inspiring and wise note from Robin Sharma, a great leader and coach the top management of the largest corporations in the world, for example, NASA.

7. Achieving maximum. 12 principles. Brian Tracy.
This book is a complete guide to achieving maximum, whatever was the field, the book is based on the principles of "The 7 Habits" and "Think and Grow Rich", and contains a lot of new ideas, and most importantly - with practical tasks !

8. To hell with all beris and do! Richard Branson.
It is unreal inspiring book by a fantastic person who has hundreds of businesses, restaurants, clubs, to their airlines, islands and even space travel! Take a look into the mind of this, truly, a great man!

9. 8 skill. Stephen Covey.
This is a very powerful book. It allows you to achieve your potential, the eighth skill - it is self-realization. Mission - Why are you here? Each it is unique. Recommended reading after the "7 Habits".

10. Delivering Happiness. Tony Hsieh.
This book is about how a corporation founded billionth from scratch! One of the best books, if you seek to build a great life!

понедельник, 21 декабря 2015 г.

Ten strategies for the psychological manipulation of the media

1. Distraction
The basic element of social control is the strategy of distraction. The goal - to distract public attention from important issues to be solved by political and economic elites, with the help of technology, "flood" or "inundation" continuous distractions and insignificant information.
The strategy of distraction is important not to give citizens the opportunity to obtain important knowledge in the field of science, economics, psychology, neurobiology and cybernetics.

2. Create the problem - to offer a solution
This method is also called "problem-reaction-solution." Creates problems, "situation", produces a reaction of the public - that people have started to desire her decision. For example, to prevent the growth of urban violence, or arrange for bloody attacks that citizens have demanded the adoption of laws to strengthen security measures and policies restricting civil liberties.

3. The strategy of gradualism
To implement unpopular decisions, you just need to apply them gradually, drop by drop over the years. That's right were imposed radically new socioeconomic conditions (neoliberalism) in the 80s and 90s: limit the role of the state, privatization, precariousness, flexibility, mass unemployment, wages, which already does not provide a decent life. That is, all those changes, while introduction would cause a revolution.

4. The strategy of postponement
Another way to accept an unpopular decision is to present it as "painful and necessary" to achieve and at the moment the consent of citizens for their implementation in the future.

5. baby talk with the people
Most of the advertising that is aimed at the general public, use the language, arguments, symbols and, especially, intonations, designed for children. As if the audience is very small child or has mental retardation. Why? "If you refer to the addressee, if he had 12 years or less, according to the laws of perception is likely that it will respond or react uncritically - as a child"

6. More emotion than thought
Use the emotional aspect - is a classic technique for blocking the rational analysis and critical perception of individuals. In addition, the use of emotional factor allows you to open the door to the subconscious to bring back thoughts, desires, fears, fear, coercion or desired behaviors ...

7. Keep people in ignorance and mediocrity
Creating a dependent society incapable of understanding the technologies and methods of social control and oppression. "The quality of education provided by the lower classes of society, should be as lean and mediocrity to the gap of ignorance between lower and higher social classes remained and could not be overcome."

8. Encourage the mass carried away with mediocrity.
To introduce to the masses the idea that it is fashionable to be stupid, vulgar and rude ...

9. Strengthen guilt
Make it so that individuals believed that they are to blame for their misfortunes and failures due to lack of intelligence, ability or effort. Thus, instead of rebel against the existing system, individuals feel helpless engaged samoedstvom. This leads to a depressive state, it contributes effectively to curb human actions.

10. Be aware of the people more than they currently
Over the past 50 years, scientific advances have led to the rapid growth of the knowledge gap between the bulk of the society and those who belong to the ruling elites, or used by them. Thanks to biology, neurobiology and applied psychology, the "system" uses advanced knowledge of the human being, physically or psychologically. This means that in most cases, the "system" has more control and more power over individuals than individuals on themselves.

The organization "secret" bus tours.

Suitable for: drivers, knowledgeable city
Resources: given in the article
Capital cost: the equivalent of the cost of the quality of imported buses + appropriate equipment

Leading positions in the ranking of profitable activities has always occupied and will occupy the entertainment business - a man always looking for entertainment. Tourism does not yield entertainment, due to the constant human desire for the new and the unknown. Every person likes to travel, meet new ones. The combination of tourism and entertainment is a very profitable commercial enterprise. Proof of this are available, while only abroad, "secret" bus tour.

What a sense of mystery?

Perhaps everybody knows the work of traditional travel agencies. So, the customer selects the optimal route for yourself, then orders a trip to a certain place, after which the employees of the tourist agency reported traveler exact time, cost and route.

Completely different is the case with the "random" bus tours. By choosing such a trip, the customer is informed only about the departure time, duration of tours, number of seats and cost. The traveler has no idea where he was going to take and that it will show. It is this uncertainty is the main "chip" provided services of this kind. Thus, the focus is on the eternal desire of humanity to the whole mystery, the new and the unknown. Due to come to know the will of mystery and suspense were open countries and continents, to master space, explored the depths of the sea, made scientific discoveries. In the "secret" tour bus person pushes all the same passion for the new and the unknown.

Principle of operation

In his arsenal is necessary to have a huge variety of routes. The ideal option would be a constant change of ways of movement. Usually, the development of a new route takes several days. Optimum will arrange trips twice or three times a week, of course, each time a completely new route. Such an approach to provide you with the opportunity to think about new and even more interesting excursion routes to clients. The main thing to keep secret from the client route and destination of the trip.

Organizing routes need to pay close attention to a lot of different parts. For visitors and leisure travelers alike will be interested in almost everything from local parks to fountains, lakes and rivers. It is appropriate to be fishing in the ponds and a trip to the mountains. No less interesting to visit the local galleries and museums. Of course, we should not focus solely on traditional tours (mountains, forests, museums, parks), the soul will fall vacationers visiting notable places of the city, which are associated with interesting myths, stories, rumors.

To organize bus excursions, the following components. So, first of all, you need a proper bus, the ideal option would be foreign, equipped with comfortable seats, air conditioning, etc. The drivers, tour guides and well developed routes. You will also need equipment, if provided for mushroom picking or fishing. Advertising services provided on the back of the bus can be by placing on it the image and contact details.

воскресенье, 13 декабря 2015 г.

   Business idea: to produce granulated feed

According to Irina Vasilyeva, today claimed dry granulation, as in wet - must also produce semi-finished drying. "Many manufacturers of animal feed, in principle, do not want to mess with wet granulation, although often it is after steaming the easiest way to get valuable fodder fines 0 2 ... 2.5 mm, - says the expert. - However, in the production of feed must take into account the ability of components to the granulation. For example, bran, grass meal and sugar beet pulp have a poor performance on the compression and form stable granules, and wheat, rye, corn, on the contrary, granulated fine "

Farmer fancier Olga Lavrova Offline Ptitsa.ru, in particular giving the following advice: "Of great importance are binding agents that are administered to increase pellet strength and to reduce energy consumption. As such agents used are often liquid products, such as fat, hydrolyzed, molasses and powder - bentonites. Some of these substances increase the nutritional value of feed (oil, molasses), animal feed enriched in trace elements (bentonite). "

In other words, first of all it depends on the formulation of feed choice of a pelletizing equipment and technology. However, there are some technical details. "Presses with horizontal rotary die - says Sergei mechanic cord from the company" Repair & Service "- basically good machines, but their disadvantage is uneven load on the working surface of the matrix. As a result, uneven wear of the matrix and rollers. But with a vertical rotating array of such there is no shortage. " The dimensions of the granules depend on the animal feed matrix hole diameter, and the length is governed by the position of the blades.

By Senka and cap
To start in this business, it is important to determine the equipment. Olga Lavrova explains that today the cost of Chinese granulator 15 kW / h and a capacity of up to 480 kg costs about 235 thousand rubles. It is understood that, for example, German equipment better, but it has a higher value. However, there are affordable phones in Russia.

With this position and agree Sergei cord. According to him, the Russian foreign technique is preferable because both safer and more maintainable. "Well proven mini-factories" Dose "- says the mechanic. - The composition of the feed enters zavodika Corn-crusher, screw mixer, overall weight-metering device, as well as remote management of the complex. "

Entrepreneur of the Rostov region Vlad Koroviev suggests that in this business it is important to have guaranteed sales to the entrance to the business did not false start. "I know in my district virtually all farmers, so all pre-traveled and asked what animal feed and how much they buy. The children shared information. The rest was a matter of technique. I advise you, do not be lazy and get a clientele in advance. "

Reference consumer
In this business it is important to identify and to the formulation of feed. For example, fur farming and rabbit feed includes 10 components, including non-food fish flour and yeast hydrolysis. But the feed-concentrate for adult rabbits in its composition has barley, oats, wheat bran, oil cake, sunflower meal, as well as chalk and table salt.

However, you can earn not only in agriculture. So forumchanin Billtrade wrote in his blog: "The theme is good for business, good money in Europe earn on granulators, which is packed with 70 grams and are sold at the zoo visitors, who want to feed the animals. And the money is earned, and the animals fed. " A review of various forums, this business belongs to the sought-after entrepreneurship as granulated feed has an impressive assortment of recipes.